What are Hellinger's Family Constellations?
Family Constellations, also known as Hellinger's constellations or systemic constellations, are a method of transforming significant personal and systemic issues. They allow us to recognize the root of a problem at a deep level, understand the dynamics of a particular matter, and take a significant step towards optimal change. The process of constellation brings harmony to our psychological and physical well-being, as well as to our relationships with others.
The fundamental principle of this concept is a systemic perspective on a given topic, focusing on interdependence and mutual resonance among members of a specific system, such as a family, group of individuals, or an organization. Systemic interactions can also be observed in an individual's internal aspects, manifested through tendencies, actions, symptoms, and somatic functioning.
Family Constellations were developed by Bert Hellinger, a German therapist and philosopher. This approach has become a powerful tool for gaining insights, resolving deep-seated issues, and fostering healing in individuals and systems alike.
Benefits of Family Constellations:
Gain deeper insights into hidden dynamics and root causes of personal and systemic issues
Heal unresolved family traumas and generational patterns
Improve relationships and find resolution in challenging family dynamics
Release emotional blockages and stuck patterns
Experience increased self-awareness and personal growth
Restore harmony in body, mind, and soul
Enhance empathy and understanding towards others
Gain clarity and direction in life choices and decisions
Experience emotional catharsis and healing
Transform limiting beliefs and behavioral patterns
Cultivate a sense of belonging and connection with family and ancestors
Enhance communication and conflict resolution skills
Improve overall well-being and emotional resilience.
What does Hellinger's Family Constellation therapy look like?
Hellinger's Systemic Family Constellations offer a transformative approach to deeply rooted personal and systemic issues. This powerful method enables individuals to uncover the hidden dynamics within themselves and their relationships, leading to profound shifts and optimal transformation.
Family Constellations focus on a systemic perspective, acknowledging the interconnectedness and mutual influence among family members, groups, or organizations. This perspective extends to the internal aspects of an individual, where patterns manifest through behaviors, actions, somatic experiences, and emotions.
In Family Constellations therapy, clients bring forth important and meaningful matters in their lives, seeking resolution and change. These issues may include challenging relationships with partners, struggles with parenthood, unresolved family traumas, health concerns, or professional obstacles.
The process begins without the need for extensive storytelling. Clients briefly outline their difficulties, and a representative image of the situation is created. Participants intuitively place themselves and their significant figures in the room, accessing a deeper level of awareness and connection with the topic at hand.
The constellation unfolds on multiple levels, including the present moment, the past, and potential future possibilities. Through this dynamic process, emotions, attitudes, and underlying influences are revealed. Family Constellations provide a fresh perspective, often presenting a more complex reality than initially perceived.
Each Family Constellation is a unique and surprising journey, guided by the client's specific energy field. As the facilitator holds the space, healing dynamics emerge, paving the way for profound insights and transformation. The process does not rely solely on conscious awareness but taps into the unconscious realm, where significant shifts take root.
Participants leave the experience with newfound clarity, a sense of connection, and the potential for profound change in their lives. Family Constellations provide a unique opportunity to explore the depths of our being, discover hidden patterns, and create harmony within ourselves and our relationships.
What could be at the root of the problem?
The core issues explored through Hellinger's Systemic Family Constellations are often complex, guiding us to the underlying causes that hold the strongest influence at the present moment.
Themes from the current moment in life: For example, a woman seeking help with her relationship may discover that an unresolved event or situation between her and her partner, such as infidelity or imbalances in giving and receiving, is at the heart of their difficulties. In this case, it becomes essential for both individuals to name their needs, emotions, and take responsibility to address these issues.
Themes from childhood: However, the real driving force in this woman's relationship may stem from childhood experiences and attitudes of both partners. These unresolved childhood aspects might have found expression in their relationship, leading to the current crisis. Recognizing these childhood aspects allows for inner healing and a return to past experiences, healing the feelings connected to relationships with their parents. This healing process empowers them to become capable of love as individuals and as a couple.
Transgenerational themes: Alternatively, the dominant dynamic in their relationship might be influenced by deep-seated, transgenerational patterns concerning masculinity, femininity, beliefs, anger, or attitudes towards life. Such patterns sometimes persist through multiple generations due to challenging family events that were emotionally unresolved in earlier generations. For example, a woman may have experienced a painful abandonment by a man, leaving her to raise children alone and focus on survival. Her children may resonate emotionally with her unresolved feelings of pain, anger, rejection, and desire for revenge, which she was unable to address at that time. These strong emotional "knots," combinations of emotions, and life attitudes can pass on like a relay race through generations. Family Constellations help identify whether we are entangled in the field of old, generational trauma, and assist in healing these old patterns. By doing so, we remain connected to our ancestors with respect for their personal destinies and histories, while recognizing our own needs, tendencies, and life mission.
The experimental confirmation of intergenerational inheritance of fear was demonstrated in research on mice. In 2014, a study published in "Nature Neuroscience" conducted by scientists from Emory University School of Medicine in the field of epigenetics exposed mice to the scent of cherries, associating it with fear-inducing electric stimuli. Sperm samples were collected from male mice, which were then used to fertilize females who had not undergone this experiment. Surprisingly, the newborn mice exhibited fear responses to the smell of cherries, despite having no physical contact with their "traumatized" mouse fathers. What is interesting is that their offspring reacted similarly. Through Family Constellations, we often recognize and address fears, attitudes, or internal states that have their origins in the experiences of parents, grandparents, and even several generations back. Family Constellations provide a valuable method for identification and healing of such old patterns.
Family Constellations serve as a compass, guiding us towards the right direction. A crucial aspect of constellations is not only to analyze the situation and uncover its causes but also to recognize what is potentially achievable in the present moment. It activates a process towards an optimal state and transformation on multiple levels of our being—body, psyche, soul space, and destiny. In today's world, this comprehensive approach seems to be the key to addressing our human matters effectively.